Observations: Everything we learned from Day 5 of Auburn football fall camp
A move indoors for the media viewing window created some new angles on the work that Auburn's passing offense and versatile defense are emphasizing.
OL Brodarious Hamm (Todd Van Emst/Auburn Athletics)
Auburn used the indoor practice facility out of necessity on Day 4. On Day 5, the Tigers voluntarily spent a lot of time indoors — at least during the open viewing window, that is.
The move inside gave media members an even closer look at the offensive work being done in fall camp, specifically with the expanded passing game from head coach Bryan Harsin.
The indoor work also featured a different kind of drill for the defense, one that emphasized exactly what the Tigers are trying to build on that side of the ball.
The Wednesday viewing session led into a jumbo-sized group of player interviews, with four different Tigers talking about their fall camp experiences so far on Zoom.
Here are the main Observations from the 20-minute window and those interview sessions, along with a handful of quick reads and a very special edition of Quote of the Day.
Offensive line continues working on ‘smashmouth football’
During the viewing window, almost eve…