Aubserver Mailbag 32: How firmly is Auburn still inside the Blue-Chip Ratio?
This week: Recruiting, the Harsin Era timeline, Year 1 optimism, NIL, UA vs. Nike, basketball lineups, magical DVRs and hot fast food takes
HC Bryan Harsin (Todd Van Emst/Auburn Athletics)
We’re going with quality over quantity this week, even more so than usual, with the Aubserver Mailbag.
The questions are always quality, there’s no doubt. But I answered fewer than usual this week, because all of them needed longer answers. And anyone who has read me for more than, like, a week knows that I don’t need much of an excuse to go deep in a mailbag.
There are a lot of good big-picture questions in here as it relates to Auburn football in the early days of Bryan Harsin, and we still had room for a couple of fun ones at the end. Thanks to everybody for asking them, especially those who waited for me to get to your questions from several weeks back — there are a few of those in here.
Let’s go.
I know it’s been a weird year with coaching change/COVID/etc., but is Auburn in any danger of losing its blue-chip ratio status? It feels like they’ve been bringing in a lot more 3* relative to 4/5*. How long would it take to lose blue chip sta…