Aubserver Mailbag 19: Stocks, schedules, shooters and sandwiches
Plus: Freshmen to watch, draft projections, extreme optimism, Mexican restaurant tiers, basketball strategy, memes and astrophysics
QB Bo Nix (Shanna Lockwood/Auburn Athletics)
While 2021 might not turn out to be as horrible as 2020, here’s something that has carried over: News, especially on this beat, continues to happen at a rapid pace.
This time last week, Tracy Rocker was Auburn’s defensive line coach. Bryan Harsin’s staff was complete. Then, over the weekend, Rocker reportedly took an NFL job. Between then and the time for this Mailbag, Harsin hired another NFL coach to take Rocker’s place.
So, it’s good to have constant, reliable material — like questions about Sharife Cooper and comparing Auburn football personnel to Publix subs.
There’s a lot to get to in this week’s Aubserver Mailbag. Let’s go.
Let’s say Auburn’s 2021 football commits are stocks. Which incoming player who's being shorted/overlooked has the best chance to spike next fall?
Jason S.
Auburn signed 11 players during the early period, and more should come in during the traditional Signing Day next Wednesday. The Tigers will also most likely sign a f…